Bermuda: Day 2

Apparently, there's a time change when one goes to Bermuda. One hour, to be precise. The time change is also a lot harder on animals than it is on humans. Which explained why Billy Bob ended up jumping on my snout at 7 AM in the morning when it really should have been 6 AM. It also explained all of the grogginess I felt. But an enthusiastic hippo was not a hippo to be ignored. Billy Bob explained excitedly to Sparkle, DonDon and I over breakfast that he'd found this amazing beach called Horseshoe Beach, and that it had pink sand. As he put it, "PINK. SAND." We got off of the boat and onto a bus that would take us directly to the beach. Another day of crazy driving. I was starting to miss the stoplights at home. When we got there, there was already a good amount of people, but we put up our umbrellas and proceeded to have our fun. 

"Is that the pool for hippos?" -Billy Bob

He had to be convinced that, no, this was not for hippos, this was where everyone did their snorkeling. Seeing as we did not have our gear (not that gear would fit our snouts anyways,) we dragged him over to our umbrella, where he was content to examine the sand. He then proceeded to bury me in it. 


I would never admit this to Billy Bob, but I really was a fan of the pink sand. It was so pink. I'd never seen pink sand before in my life. I'd never be able to go to a beach again without being disappointed by the lack of pink sand. It was so soft, too. Who knew that sand could be soft? But I had to get back at Billy Bob. It was only when I heard the contented sighs of Sparkle that I knew that Billy Bob had buried him as well. 

"The sand's so pink...and soft...I think I'll just take a nap here..." -Sparkle

DonDon was the only one that still retained any sanity, and managed to get back at Billy Bob for the rest of us. Too bad, though. He didn't know what he was missing. Sparkle and I tried to convince DonDon to bury himself in the sand as well, but no go. DonDon is not a big fan of sand. He's a bigger fan of the surf. DonDon managed to dig both of us out, to our protests, and buried Billy Bob instead. There's only one way to get Billy Bob to do what you want, and that's with food: "Billy Bob, there's a hot dog in here!" **Billy Bob dives in, DonDon buries him** We went out to the ocean, leaving Billy Bob to dig himself out. Pig power! 

"I can see the bottom of the water! I've never seen the bottom of the water!" -DonDon

The waves were growing pretty big when we were out there, so we ended up having to go back to the umbrella. Billy Bob had dug himself out by then, and was attempting to get the sand off of him by using the spray-bottle/fan we'd brought with us to the beach. It wasn't exactly working well for him. Sparkle stole the fan away and used to it dry himself off instead.

"That's right. The spray bottle is mine!!!!! Hehe" -Sparkle

I pointed out a mountain that a bunch of people seemed to be climbing. How were they getting up there? Could they even get down? Were they just appearing on the top of the rock? Was it magic? I hadn't realized that I'd spoken 'magic' out loud until DonDon gave me a weird look. I just pointed up at the mountain and he seemed to get what I was thinking. "No way, Perky. You can go up there by yourself." Billy Bob and Sparkle just nodded in agreement. Well, if no one was going to go with me, might as well go by myself. Although, how was I supposed to get up there...? It turned out that I had to scramble up the side of a ledge with a lot of footholds, then walk through a narrow pathway, and eventually, I came out onto this stretch of rock. Now I could see why people wanted to come up here. It was beautiful!

"Wonder why the water's different colors?"

I really do wish that Sparkle, DonDon and Billy Bob had been there with me, but they'd said it before. I'd had to go alone. I noticed that a lot of people had carved their names into the rock, but I didn't have the tools that I needed to carve my name into it. 

"BAA? What's that mean? Oh, look, there's a heart!"

I climbed down from the rock, smacking my leg on some rock on the way down, and got back to the umbrella to find Sparkle, Billy Bob and DonDon asleep on the towel. I took this as a sign that it was time to head back to the boat. We caught the bus that would take us back to the boat, and went to go get ready for dinner. That night, we were to eat at the Garden Cafe, and we were going to go back to the room when we were done. When we got to the room, we saw an animal made from a towel! Sparkle, DonDon and I were especially excited, because it was a pig. Billy Bob went about muttering "What's with tonight and pigs?"
"We have found a piggy and we shall name it Piggy. It's our piggy and we shall name it Piggy."

After freaking out over the presence of the pig, we went to the Chocoholic buffet, and proceeded to eat as much chocolate that we could. There was chocolate cake, slices of pie, a chocolate fountain, various chocolate desserts, and chocolate ice cream! Everyone's dream--to be in chocolate wonderland. 


Sparkle proceeded to eat his way through all of it, and had a chocolate mustache halfway through his dessert. He was intent on washing it off with chocolate milk. He wasn't all that successful, and three minutes later, an empty glass of chocolate milk next to him, he wiped it off with a napkin. We caught 9:00 show of Tim Kaminski, and we would not stop laughing. I'm pretty sure Billy Bob almost fell out of his seat from laughing. We had to carry him back to the room because he wouldn't stop laughing. We had to drop Billy Bob back in the room, then backtrack because DonDon had lost his room key. We finally found it on the floor of the theater, and trooped back up another four flights of stairs. Exhaustion overtook us then, and I went to sleep. Sparkle took a shower first, though. 

Love, Perky :D

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