Our last day on the Norwegian Dawn! **cue the Billy Bob sobs**

Somehow, it had occurred to Sparkle in his sleep that we'd never been to Venetian for breakfast. It must have gone in the same train of thought as "I've never eaten buffalo wings from Blue Lagoon," The weird thing about it was, though, that Billy Bob had thought of it. Nevertheless, Sparkle roused us all on our last day to go to breakfast at Venetian. I had a bit of a shock when I woke up--I was looking at the Boston pier instead of the sea! This truly meant that I was home, and I had to sob a little bit. DonDon caught me crying, and then he started bawling, leaving the rest of us to cry for a good ten minutes. We then picked ourselves up, got ready for the day, and headed down to breakfast.

"I am determined to stay healthy!" -Billy Bob

For some reason, we all had the same craving for pancakes. Or maybe it was DonDon's insistence that he go eat at the Garden Cafe. I think it was the latter. We wanted to rub it in that we had PANCAKES. Not buffet food. I can't imagine eating buffet food for breakfast.

"Mmmmm....I can already taste the sausage...."

We decided to go find DonDon after that in the Garden Cafe, and there he was, chomping down on cereal and waffles. Obviously, pancakes are better than waffles. I like pancakes better. Plus, what's the fun of having a waffle if you didn't make it yourself? Billy Bob decided to make a couple of challenges out of the salt, pepper and sugar holder. He also took out this cylindrical thing that made bubbles whenever you turned it over, and we were focused on the bubbles for a little while until DonDon fell off of the top. We then challenged each other to see who could balance the longest.

"I don't get why DonDon gets to go again! He already fell off once!" -Billy Bob

DonDon challenged Billy Bob to drink some coffee, if he was being so stubborn about DonDon getting two turns to balance on the bubble thingy. I didn't see the point. Sparkle had won anyways...

"First one to go crazy from caffeine loses," -DonDon 

If Billy Bob is bigger than DonDon, then shouldn't he win against him? No such thing, apparently. Billy Bob had drunken two sips before he was off in the fitness center running endlessly on the treadmill while DonDon sat back and watched with a newfound croissant. Once he had calmed down, we returned to the cafe, where we were awaiting the call to get off of the ship. There, Billy Bob challenged DonDon to a game of balancing on ketchup and mustard. I didn't know what the point was in that. I guess Billy Bob just wanted to prove a point.

"You tell me the point in this?" -DonDon

Sparkle then decided he'd enough of the bad contests. "I say we figure out who's the skinniest by trying to get through the placecard holder!" Well, there was the problem for Billy Bob right there--his nose was bigger than DonDon and Sparkle put together! He still agreed to try, though. I had a problem too. It's not that my nose is big. I'm just big in general!

"I'm halfway there!" 

"Guess whose nose isn't even fitting?"

"I think my tail's stuck.."

"You think your nose is big, Billy Bob?"

DonDon, at that point, had made his way through the hoop and had landed on Sparkle. 

"Hey! That hurt!"

Someone came onto the PA at that point, and announced that we could get off of the ship now. I don't know who started crying, it was either DonDon or Billy Bob, but for some reason, we were all sobbing. We took the elevator down, and slowly disembarked the ship back to civilization. Billy Bob, Sparkle, and I said good-bye to DonDon and headed home. 

And so ends my cruise...
Love, Perky :D


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