It was our last full day on the boat, so we decided that we'd try to make the most of it. We started the day off in DonDon's room trying to do various acrobatic exercises that mostly involved standing on our heads. Poor Billy Bob didn't really have two extra limbs to balance on, and DonDon teased him that he would end up falling over most of the time while the rest of us tried to see who could balance the longest.
"What are you talking about, guys? I can stand on my nose perfectly!" |
Billy Bob's nose turned out to be the most effective way for him to balance, and ended up winning the balance contest while the rest of us succumbed to gravity. That being said, he ended up going to the Garden Cafe and getting a large plate of food.
We had a bit of an issue when DonDon tried to take some of the smoked salmon from Billy Bob, which lead to DonDon being dunked into the pool. We moved away from the food after that and we went to go play board games instead. Scrabble was the first on our large list, and let me tell you, there is no way I was expecting any of us to know so many words. My vocabulary isn't that good. I'm only a year old! I need time!
"Well, we have...'guess'...for maybe ten points? Wait! Double word score!" -Billy Bob |
"WOOHOO!!! I have 'guitar'! On a triple word score! 21 points!" |
"I play....'defense'! Thirty points! Woohoo!" -DonDon |
In the end, it was DonDon who soundly beat us all, putting in the word 'xylophone' on a triple word score. We wanted to play 'Clue' after that, but there weren't enough pieces for all of us to play, and plus, we didn't really get how to play it. It was a special kind of 'Clue'. We played 'Pictionary' for a while, but since Billy Bob couldn't really gesture with his arms, there wasn't actually a was almost lunch time, so we went to the sushi bar. A la carte time!
"I could eat this stuff endlessly!" |
When we said that we were big fans of seaweed salad, we weren't kidding. We managed to eat a meal on that stuff alone, so much that there were plates stacked everywhere once we were done. That would not look good on the bill...Well, I mean, Billy Bob said he would pay...DonDon chose to lighten the moment by joking that his name was on a pair of chopsticks.
"See? Look! Don...Don! Get it?" |
There was a belly flop contest going on on the twelfth deck, and we went up to see it. There was a good spot near the hot tub...but it meant climbing some stairs in order to get a decent view. The competition was worth it, though. So many people did belly flops! I'm sure they had to have hurt. The cruise director, Matt, ended up counting the votes for the best belly flop by naming each number out loud, and it sounded like this: "One-one-one-two-two-two-three-four-four-four-four-five?! What's that five for?" Some guy from New York ended up winning, and we went right off to catch the Tim Kaminski comedy matinee show. We were supposed to get there early, but we'd stayed to watch the end of the belly flop contest, and the placed was packed when we got there. We ended up camping out on the stairs! The show was sidesplitting, though. We all almost fell down the stairs from laughter at least once.
I mentioned that there had been an arcade that we'd never been to, and three sets of ears perked up. Excuse the pun. Sparkle demanded immediately that we go there.
"Okay, Billy Bob, you get the pedals! I'll drive!" -me
"Wait! But I want to drive!" -Billy Bob
"I'll take the red through yellow, you take blue and orange," -me
"And who slams the whammy pedal?" -DonDon |
"Well I'd say you should put some money in first..." -me |
"Left...left...a little more to the left, DonDon..." -Sparkle |
Someone had left some tickets lying around in a machine, so we picked those up and combined it with our winnings from the arcade, and we managed to get a bunch of....junk. Stickers, erasers....well, at least the Domo eraser was cool! Sadly, it was then time for our last dinner at Venetian. We changed with sadness. No more free food. Who wouldn't cry at that? I wanted to make the last dinner seafood-worthy, so I had the clam chowder.
"What are those green things?" |
DonDon was determined to stuff himself with carbohydrates until he fell asleep, so he had some pasta.
"Oh. Great. Just what we need, DonDon eating all of this pasta. He won't be up late enough to eat buffalo wings with us!" -Billy Bob |
Billy Bob was really looking forward to eating buffalo wings later at Blue Lagoon--he'd heard that they were amazing, and hadn't really had the chance to try any. So he kept it light and had another spring roll. I don't know why. I think he just has a liking to them.
"I can't believe you're eating another spring roll," -me "But this one's fried! And I read on the menu that it was different!" -Billy Bob |
Sparkle went for the risotto. It looked really good, but in between mouthfuls, I discerned that it was really too buttery or too salty. I'm not exactly sure which.
"**chokes on butter**" -Sparkle |
During our meal, one of the waiters asked us to wave our towels in the air for the cooks and the waiters, since it was our last night. Billy Bob did that--except his towel went flying somewhere across the dining room. The rest of us were enthusiastic...but not that enthusiastic. We ordered dessert instead.
"CHOCOLATE CAKEEEEEE!!!!" -Billy Bob and DonDon |
"That souffle is mine!" |
The last show that the crew was putting on for us was Bollywood, and it was crazy crazy CRAZY music and dancing and lots of acrobatics! At the end, all of the stewards and stewardesses and waiters and all of the crew came onstage while we got to cheer for them! Not to mention the people we saw at breakfast every morning--there were two ladies that went "Washy washy! Happy happy!" DonDon still giggles every time one of us says that.
"I have to say, I grew fond of them," -Billy Bob |
We went to eat our buffalo wings after that, and ended up wandering the ship for a good couple of hours...or at least I think it was a good bit of time...Sparkle, it turns out, can't really take the buffalo wings, and he had to drink a half glass of water every time he had a buffalo wing. Not to mention that DonDon kept ordering plate...after plate....after plate of wings, so that we had three plates stacked up on top of each other with DonDon calling for more. We dragged him out, finally, and put him to bed.
My last day is tomorrow. :(
Love, Perky :D