Perky, Billy Bob and Sparkle's Guide to Making Wonton

"Always make sure you have the right mixture of meat, shrimp, and mushrooms!" -Perky

"Hopefully you bought the wonton skins at the supermarket. Sparkle forgot them once and decided that we could go on. Let's just say it was meatball night," -Billy Bob
"It was a legitimate mistake!" -Sparkle

"Make sure your folder is big/small enough for your wonton skins. Preferably, you'd want one that was bigger than me!" -Sparkle

"Now, put a scoop of meat in the middle of the wonton skin. Make sure it's not too big, or else you won't be able to fold it!" -Billy Bob

"Eat as you go! You're going to get really hungry if you make everything and THEN eat it!" -Perky

"So here's one of our best ones...There were some really weirdly shaped ones. I think one looked like Don Don," -Sparkle

"Put your uncooked wontons on a plate. That way, you know what to eat, and what NOT to eat! And it saves you toilet time. Trust me!" -Bily Bob

"Don't forget to enjoy your work with others! There are other people who are hungry, too! Especially Billy Bob apparently, after he's covered in egg yolk," -Perky

"And you can't forget the MARSHMALLOWS! What? You can? But they're so good! Well, Sparkle says you don't HAVE to roast marshmallows after wonton. But it's fun to! Isn't it?" -Billy Bob

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