CHRISTMAS IS ONE DAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse all of the exclamation points. I'm really really really really really excited for Christmas. And what would Christmas be without the preparation? Of course, Sparkle and Billy Bob decided to jump in with the prep, too. DonDon chose to prep with his own family. I don't know what they do, but I've heard it involves a lot of gravy and food fights. We began our own prep work by first decorating our Christmas tree.
"Heh. I remember making this tree! There was a looot of messy hot glue!" |
"S for Sparkle!" |
"Why is Santa on a cupcake?!" |
Next, we put out the cookies and milk. Sparkle insisted that we put out chocolate chip cookies, because we put them out every year and he didn't want to change things up for Santa. He also insisted on lactose-free milk. "What if Santa suddenly became allergic to milk?"
"How many cookies should we put out?" -Billy Bob |
After considering Santa's reindeer, Billy Bob suggested we put out reindeer food. Sparkle claimed that the reindeer food had been his idea last year, but no one had listened. "What about the reindeer? It's not fair that we give Santa cookies but nothing for his reindeer!"
"There are so many things that I could be doing with this oatmeal..." -me |
While pouring the glitter in, Billy Bob ended up spilling the whole tube out onto the floor, meaning that we had to stop and get the vacuum cleaner to clean it up. He insisted on trying to save as much glitter as possible, though, and just ended up spilling more glitter in the process. I left them to it--I needed a bathroom break. When I got back, Billy Bob and Sparkle were examining their parcels under the tree, so I told them we could all open one present.
"One, two....THREE!" -Sparkle |
Billy Bob had gotten a tube of fur conditioner, I'd gotten a picture frame that had a photo of the four of us, and Sparkle had gotten headphones. He immediately ran to put them into his mp3 player, while I set the frame up in my room. Billy Bob decided to wait--he'd take a shower later. He wanted to take a picture with a Santa that was on a rocking chair.
"Well, I'm not picky about what I get for Christmas..." |
Sparkle followed, and I wanted one too, of course, so we all ended up taking a picture with Santa.
"Wow, Santa...your beard is so soft..." -me
"You know that isn't the real Santa, right? He's on a sleigh somewhere!" -Billy Bob |
"Do you guys think you could get me a suit like this?" |
I finally decided to put up the last Christmas countdown. It had been out since December 1st, but now it was in the last square! We only had one day left...well. A number of hours really. :)
"I think we should move Sparkle--I mean, the marker--over to the one!" -Billy Bob |
Merry Chistmas!
Love, Perky :D
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