"Don't be fooled! My head still hurts! A lot! But I think that the balcony air is doing some good!" -Perky |
We were still not feeling so good, so we ordered room service for lunch. Did you know that there's FREE room service on this ship? Not after midnight, though. But who would want to eat at midnight. Okay, maybe me. But I wouldn't do that. The only thing I want to eat at midnight is chocolate. And I think we have to pay for that. I decided to venture out after to the Pearly Kings' pub. I know what you're thinking. There wasn't anybody drinking at two o' clock int he afternoon anyways. There was, however, some Wii going on. But I decided to try some karaoke anyways. Turns out my best song is not one by One Direction...but they said it was the best song ever!
"AND WE DANCE ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG...sorry! I didn't mean to squeak on that last note!" |
Hearing my squeaky singing all the way from deck 11, ( I was on deck 7 again) DonDon and Sparkle came to investigate what might have been a case of Spongebob singing. (They later told me that they took bets: either a cat had acquired a voice box, or I was singing. Apparently, DonDon won that bet.) We decided to get some drinks to rest my vocal chords. Took us about ten minutes to realize, though, that we were looking in the wrong place: the alcohol.
"What's a tequila? I've never heard of that! The closest I've heard is tempura! And I ate that!" -DonDon |
The drinks were pretty much abandoned: No one wants to serve a confused pig, I learned. As a matter of fact, I don't think that there was anyone to serve us, anyways. Maybe they all had motion sickness, too. So we went out onto the outer deck to play some shuffleboard. Not that any of actually knew how to play. We sort of just made it up as we went along...
"That's sixteen points for me!" -Perky "That's only eight! The fact that you're on the line doesn't count!" -DonDon |
In the end, it was Sparkle that took eight out of ten games that we ended up playing, one of which DonDon almost ended up overboard if it hadn't been for the rail guards. It started raining after that, so we all went inside. Sparkle hates getting his sweater wet. It's got built-in air conditioning. There was a cupcake-making session in the cafe, so we decided to go there.
"Hmm. I think that the frosting needs to be higher. And that I need more sprinkles. You can never have enough sprinkles!" |
It was fancy dinner night, which only meant one thing: we had to dress up for this! For me, it meant taking a bath. Poor DonDon ended up having to put on a tie, though. And Billy Bob actually had to wear a suit and tie. He was groaning about it through the entire meal. We went to a French restaurant, Le Bistro. We got the menu, and it was pretty much in French. When you have one pig that took French, having two pigs and a hippo depend on you to order isn't fun. To get my revenge on Sparkle for insulting my voice and telling me I had a voice like a dying cat, I ordered for him the escargots. And I didn't tell him that 'escargot' was short for 'snails'.
"Perky? What exactly are escargots? Perky? Are you gonna tell me what they are? Are you? Perky....? PERKY???" -Sparkle |
DonDon pretty much massacred his way through his French pronunciations, but I think it was alright. More likely that the waiters didn't know French either. He still got his Atlantic salmon. He's was really on a seafood roll there. First lobster, and now salmon..
"Does somebody want to tell me what those green things on top of my fish are? I'm pretty sure it's not asparagus... or large stalks of broccoli," -DonDon |
In a restaurant of foods they didn't know, I think that Billy Bob and Sparkle wanted to play it safe. Meat was meat, they reasoned, but too much meat was a lot for one of them. So they ordered some duck and potatoes. But in a French restaurant, there are endless surprises. Just like the potatoes on their plate.
"Are these scallops or potatoes? I'm not really sure what they are..." |
This being a French restaurant, of course dessert was in order. Isn't that what the French are famous for? Their dessert? But all of that went out the window when we saw the fondue. The CHOCOLATE fondue. We all ordered a pot, and since it was "Fondue For Two", I think we all got weird looks from the waiter. Especially DonDon. Ordering a fondue for two people and being such a small pig..
"Now remember DonDon, try to not to go too crazy with the chocolate. You remember what happened last time," -Billy Bob "Actually, I don't actually remember what happened last time..." -DonDon |
Unfortunately, DonDon didn't listen to any of us, and ended up overdosing on chocolate, leaving us to drag him up about 4 decks to our room. He was jumping up and down the entire time, so there were people dodging us all the way up. And then Billy Bob lost his room card, so we had to stop and look for that...Finally, we managed to get him back into the room, and had to douse him with cold water from the shower. I guess it should be known that whenever DonDon recovers, he gets sleepy. Really sleepy. So sleepy, in fact, that he decided he'd sleep in the shower. Fine for us...that meant that Sparkle got his own bed. You should have seen how excited he was about that.
See you tomorrow! :D
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