Today I decided I'd go to the park. So many people told me to go to the apple orchard, but I threw a fuss until Sparkle and Billy Bob agreed to let us go. So we wound up at Pond Meadow Park. We stopped to cross at a bridge in the first stretch. It was in front of a small body of water. Pretty clear.
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"What if I fell off of this bridge? I'd need such a huge bath!" -Billy Bob |
Deciding that we'd prance along the trail until we saw something noticeable, Sparkle suggested that we stay on the right side of the road. Didn't want to get run over by some bicyclist. We stopped at another bridge, but this one was with murkier water.
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"Billy Bob, whatcha doin' looking at the ground? The sky's so pretty today!" -Sparkle |
We saw this tree that had some sort of dog-like look to it, and Billy Bob decided to mention that it had some sort of semblance to me. So we took this picture, just in case I could ever use it against Billy Bob at his wedding.
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"Look, I'm telling you, it's got a long nose, and you've got a snout! But you don't have a tail. And you both kind of have the same body," -Billy Bob |
So we came upon this tree that had a branch that was so much darker than the trunk. Almost like it'd been struck by lightning. But there hadn't been lightning since two weeks ago. Hmmm...note to self: ask DonDon and his freaky weather machine to figure out all occurrences of thunder and lightning.
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"Does anyone know why the branch is so darn dark? No one? Anybody? Sir, how about..oh. Sorry Billy Bob," |
We grabbed a couple of seats on this set of five tree trunks; after of course staring at the fact that there were FIVE tree trunks in one go. Billy Bob, of course, was happy to hang in between two tree trunks, while Sparkle and I pretended to have tea.
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"Sparkle, do you think you can pass me the sugar?" -me |
We saw a dam up in the distance clogging a small pond, and we just HAD to be on top of it. Just absolutely had to. But first, we'd end up having to climb these wooden log steps--and they're a lot steeper than they look! Haha, you should've seen how much water Sparkle was chugging at the end of the climb.
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" realize we're pretty much on the SECOND step?" -me |
Once we'd climbed the log stairs, and had descended some suspicious metal ones, we were finally on the dam. For some reason, Billy Bob and Sparkle decided that they'd play "I Spy," and kept finding a bunch of bright orange dots...
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Well, you know how Billy Bob is about heights--he HATES THEM. Completely. I only got him to take this shot if I promised him a batch of rainbow cupcakes. That hippo loves rainbow cupcakes.
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"Ummm...Perky? I don't wanna be looking down! So can I look up instead and still get my rainbow cupcakes?" -Billy Bob |
For some reason, Billy Bob wasn't scared of the rock that was still about ten feet in the air. Maybe it's because Sparkle was doing the can-can at the bottom of the rock. You can't see it though.
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"Hey Sparkle! Hey! Hey Sparkle! Can you do the Macarena?" -me |
I saw this giant remain of a campfire up ahead, and wasn't going to resist sitting next to it--after all, it's not like anyone else was going to use it! Right? Billy Bob and Sparkle agreed to come too-although I just think that they wanted to see some accidental bacon if I slipped.
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"Perky, you're not gonna fall, are you? Because I think I'm running out of bacon, and..." -Sparkle |
I got my revenge on Sparkle at the end of the hike, when we were all due for some long-needed hydration. I danced around with a full water bottle while Sparkle ended up having to chase me around jumping. That's sweet revenge for you! :D
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"Look, Perky! Just give me the water bottle and I promise nothing will happen!" -Sparkle |
We also managed to exclude him out of our little stone campfire-but I think that it was due to the fact that Sparkle was chugging water like a mad pig.
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"Billy Bob, I don't understand why you insist on smelling the campfire. Even though it doesn't burn, it's still gonna smell funny!" -me |
So that was my little walk in the park :) love, Perky