Competitive-ness was in the air as Sparkle, Don Don, Billy Bob and Perky settled down for their annual Game Night-it was only once a year as Billy Bob got very disappointed when he lost, and a disappointed hippo was heartbreaking.
The four started off with a game of basketball, but only Sparkle could actually shoot the ball.
Not wanting to be outdone, Don Don aimed for a shot at the net.
"Five PigStoppers says that I can get the ball in!" |
Perky and Billy Bob decided that revenge was in order against the two teacup pigs, and thought that they would, in the form of Big Trouble.
"What do you mean I'm in big trouble?" -Don Don |
Seeing that Billy Bob was behind all of the trouble, Don Don challenged him to a game of checkers, something that Don Don knew he was good at.
"KING ME, PERKY!" -Sparkle |
By then, Billy Bob's competitive spirit was flowing, and he was on a pretty good winning streak. He decided to challenge the teacup pigs to a game of chess. Perky, who had no idea how to play chess, just sat there and tried to look like he knew what he was doing.
"I am this close to getting my queen back!" -Billy Bob |
To even out the competitive spirit, Sparkle suggested a game of Parcheesi. This time, Perky didn't even bother hiding his confusion. It took several minutes to explain the rules to the poor pig, and Perky still only understood half of the words.
"Who says I can't lay in the middle of the board?" -Billy Bob
Much to Don Don's chagrin, the only way to get Billy Bob off of the board was to play his most hated game-dominoes. Still, as long as it got Billy Bob off of the board, he'd do anything.
"Hmmm....I want to add a double six, but I"m pretty sure I can' t do that!" -Sparkle |
The four wound down the day by playing one last game-the Sleeping Door.
"OH MY GOSH!!!!! IT'S A CLOCK!!!!!!!!" -everyone |
Billy Bob went off to his chambers to take a bath, which meant Perky, Sparkle, and Don Don were free to go to sleep. All three pigs swore that they would never have Game Night again-until next year.
"I miss Billy Bob already," -Sparkle |
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