New York: Day 2

Perky's travels brought him to the Metropolitian Museum of Art today, and he spent the good while of the day wandering around and asking a lot of questions.
Perky wonders about the file cabinet in the kids room at the MET.
"If I push this, then will I fall?"

Does this Egyptian pool look like something Perky would live in? Yes, it would.
"Please don't let me fall!"

So close to the ledge...yet so far....!
"I"m chillin' on the ledge,"

Reading the sign on a Chinese garden.
"Wow...the info on this sign is verry fascinating!"

This might be a good house...if it didn't move all the time...
"Maybe I'll live in the 'hood,"

Apparently, Perky's now 20% off at the MET store. Get him while he lasts!
"Too small! Too small! I'm claustrophobic!"

Self-image distortion-one of the growing problems of today's society.
"Why didn't you tell me I had so many faces????"

Posing in front of a color wall, Perky tries to find the color that matches his eyes the most. Turns out, none of them do.

"Hmmm, maybe green looks better..."

"What about this green?"

"No. This one looks like puke,"

"This one even more so!"

"This one looks pretty..."

"Ugh! This one too!!!! I can't decide!"
Perky decided to solve his problems the only way he knew how: hot chocolate.

"Wow! This one has cinnamon in it! Not to mention a lot of marshmellows,"
 Feeling guilty, Perky gives passerby an accusing look. It's not his fault that they have to watch thier health.

"What? Pigs don't have to keep track of thier cholestrol!"
 Goofily, Perky decided to mash his face into a glass panel-knowing that his snout would feel funny later.
"My snout kinda hurts..."
 Perky returned to his hotel later that night to play games such as "Clue", "Blink," and "Monopoly Deal,"
Perky didn't smell the flowers in the morning-he smelled them at night!
"Hey, why don't these smell?"
 Deciding he would make more hot chocolate, Perky perched on the hot water, fully intending to press it. But nothing came out. There was a sad, disappointed, hot chocolate-less pig that night.
"Need hot water!!!"
Having no hot chocolate, Perky settled down for the night with bags of ketchup instead.
"Well, at least this ketchup is soothing..."

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