Camping trip!

It was the adventure of a lifetime. Perky was going camping! With Billy Bob, DonDon, and his cousin Sparkle. The four also met Mr. Penguin Jr.

When they got there, they had to figure out how to set up the tent. Turns out it isn't so easy when there's a penguin holding a hammer...

"Uh...I'm not sure the stake's here, exactly..."

Setting up a tent is hard work, so Perky and Billy Bob headed off to the lake.

"Wow! This water's COLD!"
Billy Bob challenged Perky to see if he could hold his breath underwater. Billy Bob, apparently, can blow bubbles.

"**GLUG** I told you, Billy Bob!"
A defeated Billy Bob then challenged the victorious Perky to a flying contest. Whoever could fly higher would win a box of Cheerios. 

"Hehe....HI BILLY BOB!!!"

After soundly defeating Billy Bob twice, Perky decided that he'd take a bit of a rest in the water.

"Ah, Hawaii...wait a minute, there's no dirt in Hawaii!"
It was at that point that Sparkle and DonDon decided to join the two (Mr. Penguin Jr. was mysteriously missing...) The four wanted to play water polo, but that didn't turn out so well.

"Er, Sparkle, you're floating away...Sparkle? SPARKLE!"
Perky soon remembered that Billy Bob owed him a box of Cheerios, and the two promptly climbed out of the lake for a snack.

"Uh...Billy Bob, you don't need a combination lock for the box..."
To make up for the lost water polo game, Perky decided that a game of volleyball was in order. Unfortunately, Perky was to be the volleyball...

"Hey guys? Can you get me down? Guys? GUYS????"
Lunch seemed to be in order then. and it was off to a local restaurant.

"Whew! Water sounds **glug** great!"

Billy Bob sniffed at a suspicious substance that he thought was his favorite chili sauce, but it was just ketchup.

"What? This isn't Theodore's rachichi chili sauce?"

The food soon arrived, and, since the pair had ordered the mystery meat, it was up to them to figure it out.

"What?! I don't believe it's chicken!"

The waitress had advised Billy Bob and Perky to go to the lookout point that was a few miles away. They were not disappointed. After all, DonDon was doing dance numbers on the rocks...

"FUZZY PICKLES!!!! Ow, DonDon!" -Perky

Back at the campsite, Sparkle and Mr. Penguin Jr. had come down with a horrible stomachache. They felt better, though, and came to join the trio for marshmallows. 

"One, two, three, four, five...what, DonDon? Another one? But the fire's out already and we dropped 'em all!"

There was another way to entertain themselves, though. Billy Bob, always the competitive one, challenged the gang to a rope-hanging contest. 

"Stop cheating, Mr. Penguin!!! Hey wait a minute, Perky, you're cheating, too!"

Realizing that it was long  past dinnertime, Perky volunteered to go and grab a bite to eat. However, he did most of the eating.

"Mmm...ginger ale..."

With the dark rapidly approaching, the gang gathered in their tent to review the pictures of the day.

"That is not my face! Delete it, DonDon!!!!" -Billy Bob

Mr. Penguin Jr. insisted on one game of Big 2 before they all turned in. A makeshift table was quickly made out of water bottles.

"Full house! Take that, DonDon!" -Sparkle

Lastly, it was time for a last tuck-in and good night. :)

"Sparkle, geroff my head!" -Billy Bob